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증인 (영화) 영어로

"증인 (영화)" 중국어

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  • Innocent Witness
  • 증인    증인 [證人] a witness; an eyewitness; an
  • 최후의 증인 (영화)    The Last Witness (1980 film)
  • 증인    증인 [證人] a witness; an eyewitness; an attestor; a testifier; a deponent; [보증인] a surety. 산 ~ a living witness. ~이 되다 testify / bear witness / (법정에서) give evidence / (신원의) stand surety . ~으로 내세우다 ca
  • 공증인    공증인 [公證人] a notary public(略 N.P.); a notary. ~의 인증을 받다 be tested by a notary public.▷ 공증인법 『法』 the Notary (Public) Act.▷ 공증인 사무소 a notary's office.
  • 보증인    보증인 [保證人] 『法』 a guarantor; (채무의) a surety; a reference(신원 조회처). 부(副) ~ a collateral surety. 연대 ~ a joint surety / a surety liable collectively[jointly and severally]. 신원 ~ a (personal) guarantor. 그는
  • 선서 증인    deponent
  • 증인석    witness stand
  • 검찰 측 증인    Witness for the Prosecution (1957 film)
  • 공증인의    notarial
  • 나는 증인이다    The Witness (2015 Chinese film)
  • 보석 보증인    bail; bailsman
  • 보증인이 되다    vouch; sponsor
  • 불감증인    sexually unresponsive; frozen; frigid; cold
  • 신원보증인    referee; judgment call
  • 여성 보증인    bondswoman
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